Officers & Board

As a professional association consisting of internal auditors dedicated to providing comprehensive professional development and networking opportunities for its members, the Association of Public Pension Fund Auditors does not respond to requests for comment or opinion on issues affecting public pension systems.  All other correspondence to APPFA Board, email here.

President (Term expires 12/31/2026)
Nicki Russell, Chief Auditor
Missouri State Employees' Retirement System

Vice President (Term expires 12/31/2026)
Alex Deal, Internal Audit Associate
State Universities Retirement System of Illinois

Secretary (Term expires 12/31/2025)
Kurt Petrie, Senior Advanced Internal Auditor
Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds

Treasurer (Term expires 12/31/2025)
Darlene Dempsey, Associate Auditor
New York State Teachers Retirement System

Immediate Past President (Term expires 12/31/2026)
Leslie Nagel, Internal Audit Director
Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association

Board Member (Term expires 12/31/2025)
Cheryl Cervantes-Dietz, Chief Auditor
California State Teachers' Retirement System

Board Member (Term expires 12/31/2025)
Amanda Jenami, Chief Audit Executive
Teachers Retirement System of Texas

Webmaster (Term expires 12/31/2025)
Matthew Priestas, Principal Auditor - Information Technology and Project Management
Virginia Retirement System

Officers serve a two-year term commencing on January 1 of the first year and ending on December 31 of the second year. The President and Vice-President are elected in even years; the Secretary, Treasurer, and Webmaster are elected in odd years. Board Members serve a three-year term commencing on January 1 of the first year and ending on December 31 of the third year.